Callaway Steelhead Drivers
Callaway Steelhead Drivers
[Sep 07, 1999]
Shoot in the 100s
Model Reviewed:
Callaway 10 degree Driver
A good, forgiving driver for a beginning player (if a bit pricey). The large clubface provides a high level of confidence. I'd buy Steelhead fairway woods if I had any money left in my golf budget. After reading the commentary on this page, however, I'm scared that I'll implode the face. Similar Products Used: None |
[Dec 27, 1999]
Reehan Ali
Shoot in the 80s
Model Reviewed:
Callaway 10* Steelhead
The first month I had the club I absolutely crushed the ball. I was driving longer and straighter than ever before. Then after the first month I began to notice quite a few scratch marks on the face of the club. Over the next few months the club lost some of the original zip it had at impact and started to impart some strange spins on the ball. I started to worry and saw a local club pro. He let me use one of the demo's he had on hand and I went out to the practice range and I was hitting them great. Yet, when I tried my own club you could not even tell which way the ball was going to go. Great value @ $115 on the internet but the quality of the club begins to degrade after a few months use. Similar Products Used: King Cobra |
[Dec 25, 1999]
Rob Smith
Shoot in the 80s
Model Reviewed:
Steelhead Driver
A huge improvement from the Hawkeye, but still not the consistency nor the distance I am looking for. Even with my A swings I get disappointing results and any mis-hits are into the next zip code. Similar Products Used: TONS AND TONS |
[Dec 16, 1999]
Duane Adam
Shoot in the 90s
Model Reviewed:
Callaway 12 steelhead driver
Started playing golf eight months ago, can hit a 3 wood but not a driver. Okay I decided to throw money at my game and got lucky because this 12 degree driver which is more like a 2 wood is extremely easy to hit. Longest drive was about 270 yards but most drives go straight even when they are mis-hit. Average drives are about 225 yards and I hit about 1/2 the fairways on a full sized difficult course. Although this club may not remain in my bag once I can hit a 10 or 9 degree driver, it has been a great 'training driver' and has allowed me to be competitive even at this point in my game. Similar Products Used: Nicklaus woods |
[Jan 05, 1999]
Shoot in the 80s
I went to the new 10* Steelhead from the 9* BBB looking for a little more accuracy, even at the cost of distance. What did I find? The shaft is a little shorter; therefore I placed the ball in the short grass more often. I feel as though some of my problems with the BBB was the long shaft length which hurt my control. I wanted to play off the center 10% of the short grass and avoid visiting the trees. The Steelhead has allowed me to stay in the center. I lost about 10% at first in distance. I have now learned how to tee the ball up for this club (as opposed to the big head of the BBB) and I am getting better roll. My distance is now close to the same as the BBB except I'm playing off the fairway. Overall, it was a great golf decision for my personal game to switch from the BBB to the Steelhead. Personal note: I'm a 12.4 HDCP to let you know my level of play. Similar Products Used: BBB was my old driver. Before that I hit the Warbird 9* and I also must say I liked the Warbird's accuracy, but I couldn't hit it as far. |
[Sep 20, 1999]
Shoot in the 80s
Model Reviewed:
10 degree - regular RCH 99
Straightest, most forgiving driver I've ever hit, although not the longest. Similar Products Used: None |
[Nov 08, 1999]
Shoot in the 80s
Model Reviewed:
Callaway Steelhead 8 Degree
Finally switched to a ""New"" Driver (12 Years with a Hogan). Tried many others. This club feels and sets up great! Smooth and silky or let it rip, it makes no difference. Not too big (Bulky) but excellent sweetspot. No loss of distance, big improvement in direction. Similar Products Used: Biggest Big Bertha, Taylor Made (all), Cobra. |
[Jan 02, 2000]
Shoot in the 80s
Model Reviewed:
Steelhead 9 Deg. RCH 99-Reg.
The best feeling driver I've ever hit. Extremely forgiving. This club gives you confidence at address and is very tolerant of mis-hits. It's also as long as any Titanium driver I've hit. For the price, I would very much recommend this one for anyone. Similar Products Used: Taylor Made Burner,Killer Bee Titanium with UST Proforce 65 shaft. |
[Dec 31, 1999]
Brandy Arney
Shoot in the 90s
Model Reviewed:
Callaway Steelhead 10degree
I received the driver as a gift and have enjoyed the feel over the Taylors I have owned for 3 years. It has improved my accuracy and distance.The shorter shaft has made the difference. Similar Products Used: None |
[Feb 24, 1999]
Shoot in the 80s
Model Reviewed:
Callaway Steelhead Driver
I got the Steelhead driver and Strong 3 a couple of months ago. I have really enjoyed the improved accuracy that I have gotten from the club. I think the lower center of gravity has a lot to do with it. I have always been very long off the tee, and I can tell that I have lost some yardage as compared to the Ram Big Eye Ti that I was hitting. However, the gain of control far outweighs the loss of 10 yds. or so that I have given up. Similar Products Used: None |