Ogio Vaporlite II Bags
Ogio Vaporlite II Bags
[Dec 06, 2005]
Shoots in the 70s
Model Reviewed:
Ogio Vaporlite, blue fade
This bag is the best. I bought this bag at a local golf show for $70, and it was well worth the very discounted price. I would easily pay full price for this thing. The bag has 7 pockets, plenty of storage. It weighs 3.9 lbs, and has a great color sceme. The top is unique. Using a "woode" system, your woods (4) can all fit on the left hand side of the bag, and the headcovers don't block the irons. The putter finds it's happy place up top, in the "putter pit", and the irons are arranged in single, horizontal file, so that the shafts don't get all tangled up with each other. I can fit my 4-8 irons in the top iron slot, and still not struggle to pull and replace any iron I choose. I love this bag. One downside was that the irons and wedges on the bottom levels were harder to get to, but I don't mind. Still a perfect rating. Customer Service none. Bargained with the salesman until I got to a reasonalbe price. Similar Products Used: none |