Booklegger David Leadbetter's Simple Secrets For Great Golf -VHS Accessories
Booklegger David Leadbetter's Simple Secrets For Great Golf -VHS Accessories
[Jul 08, 2006]
Scratch Golfer
I have been playing golf for almost all of my life. Through all of my experience, I can tell you that if you are a person who likes to throw your money away, this program is for you. Mr. Leadbetter has designed his program to apply to all of you who don't want to improve your game whatsoever. These ‘golf pro secrets’ are truly astounding- and what I mean by astounding is that the secrets could be figured out by a dog-who drinks paint, drinks a lot of paint. I highly suggest that all of you who want to NOT get better at golf to buy this “instructional video.” But, before you purchase the video, go ahead and kick yourself in the crotch just so you can get it out of the way before you realize that you have wasted your money and time on the video. Customer Service