Golf Technologies Dr. Knockdown 80° Wedges
Golf Technologies Dr. Knockdown 80° Wedges
[Apr 01, 2024]
This article is truly amazing! I am very impressed with the depth of insight presented and the clear and easy-to-understand writing style. The content of the article is very relevant and informative, providing a deeper understanding of the topic discussed. In addition, the analysis presented is also very profound and provides a different perspective. Thanks to the writer for the effort and dedication in presenting high-quality articles like this. I am looking forward to reading more articles! Read more on: Arta4d Weakness:
. . . |
[Jan 01, 2024]
. . . Weakness:
. . . |
[Jan 01, 2024]
[Dec 30, 2023]
ขอบคุณสำหรับข้อมูล บทความนี้มีประโยชน์มาก! tstoto Weakness:
. . . |
[Dec 22, 2023]
tstoto Weakness:
No weaknesses. All very good. Purchased: New
[Sep 08, 2016]
Dan Cocciardi #3
Shoots in the 100s
Model Reviewed:
Dr. Knockdown 80 degree wedge
My opthamolgist loves this club. I would, however, recommend using protective goggles while using this club. I have, on no fewer than 4 occasions, had the golf ball hit me in the eye. Despite minor physical injuries, I can see that this club has definitely improved my short game. Customer Service Great Similar Products Used: 84 degree wedge, 19 wood, 96 degree wedge. |
[May 22, 2016]
Shoots in the 80s
Model Reviewed:
Dr Knockdown
I have recently been using this club on the range. I figured out I can hit it accurately to about 45 yards. I use it around the greens when there is very little green to work with or to flop over a bunker or tall tree. This club makes shots that were not possible with a 60 degree wedge. It is really fun to hit the club. It takes practice but it is worth it. |
[May 17, 2015]
Shoots in the 100s
Model Reviewed:
80 degree wedge
This is the most demanding club I own but once you've mastered it it's also the most useful club I own. I can hit it anywhere from 60 yards out to 6 feet. You'll hate it at first but once you spend time on the range and figure it out, it will be the best club in your bag. I already have one backup and am ordering a third so I never have to golf without it.
[Jul 14, 2010]
Shoots in the 90s
Model Reviewed:
dr knockdown 80 degree
The shaft is too soft, need to replace with a steel shaft or another graphite. Had the club measured at Golfsmith. It is actually a 65 degree wedge. Why would they not be truthful? |
[May 13, 2010]
Shoots in the 80s
Model Reviewed:
dr. knockdown
I would rather pay the money I would spend on this pile of junk to rent a midget and have him throw the ball as far as he could than even attempt to hit the ball with this club. Customer Service Have you ever seen Jack Hamm he has a mullet and where's Jeans on the course. I'll let you use your imagination to see what the customer service is like. Similar Products Used: Fischer Prices plastic clubs. |