Mitsushiba Decade Irons
Mitsushiba Decade Irons
[Feb 20, 2025]
I bought these clubs when i was 15 and playing off 7. After 6 months I had got myself down to 3 and shot under par several times, all thanks to these clubs i must say. Their workability is great, and the feel is just mint. They have small heads, which are great for me, because i like to make sure i really hit down on the ball. Anyone who likes to smash the ball, but times it well, should realy look into a set of these clubs. You will only see improvements. Richmond RPM Mobile Mechanics Weakness:
None . . Purchased: New
[Oct 30, 2022]
This club is great. You hear all the time will shave 5-8 strokes off your score. Well this club really did that for me. See: Towing Company Weakness:
None . . Purchased: New