Golf Technologies Air Xplosion Drivers
Golf Technologies Air Xplosion Drivers
[Mar 09, 2011]
Scratch Golfer
Model Reviewed:
Xplosion Driver
The Xplosion Driver with Aerospeed Shaft is an awesome club. It's creator Jack Hamm, also created the Original Hammer Driver with Triplekick Smartshaft. The Xplosion Driver with Aerospeed Shaft is a beautiful club to behold. The jet black finish and hi-tech shaft are both appealing to the eye and lines up perfectly at address. With a nice smooth swing my first drive was high and straight with a penetrating flight. I estimated it rolled-out to about 275. I added a little more power on subsequent drives and easily reached 300 plus yards with each swing. This is a great driver that keeps the ball in the fairway and sends it deep. Give it a try...I found it for under $100 on EBAY. Customer Service Easy transaction with fast shipping. Similar Products Used: Callaway, TaylorMade, Titleist, Nike etc... |