Chattanooga Golf & CC - Golf courses, Chattanooga, TN
Chattanooga Golf & CC - Golf courses, Chattanooga, TN
Latitude | 35.07286 |
Longitude | -85.28491 |
City | Chattanooga |
State | TN |
Zip/Postal Code | 37405 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (423) 266-1049 |
[Jun 22, 2006]
Chattanooga Golfer
Shoots in the 80s
Chattanooga G&CC features a Donald Ross layout right on the banks of the Tennessee River. Before a recent renovation, I considered it to be a merely good layout that benefitted from the excellent conditioning you expect at a pricey private course. The renovation takes the layout to another level. All the greens were replaced with much truer surfaces, many bunkers were added or replaced, and native grasses were added that really frame some of the holes on this parkland-style layout. The conditions are again excellent as expected and the course plays 3-4 shots harder than it did previously. Nice work. Customer Service This is the typical high-buck private club experience. The range was also improved somewhat during the reno and a new short game facility is a very welcome addition. |
[Jun 11, 2006]
Zeke Cousins
Shoots in the 70s
Model Reviewed:
Chattanooga G&CC
Remodeled golf course-took an extremely playable and fun country club course with narrow fairways and tricky greens and made it a wantabe US Open course with 70+ (I lost count) sand traps intruding nto already narrow fairways. At least 1/2 of the greens are blind shots and areas surrounding the greens are steep and either essentially bare or ankle deep rough. It makes one wonder what tournament the members think they are going to host. I'm sorry to see and old favorite die. Customer Service Service at the club is very good. |