Meadow Creek Golf Course - Golf courses, Charlottesville, VA
Meadow Creek Golf Course - Golf courses, Charlottesville, VA
Latitude | 48.76317 |
Longitude | -114.9035 |
City | Fortine |
State | MT |
Zip/Postal Code | 59918 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (406) 882-4474 |
[Aug 28, 2006]
Shoots in the 100s
Twilight golf at MeadowCreek is one of the best deals going at $10 walking (which is what almost everyone is doing.) This is a very mellow course in general where you can have an enjoyable round of golf with friends. I'm a beginner and regularly go over on my own to walk the course. Customer Service Excellent. The course is very well maintained. 30 minute lessons are $25 and they have a very active First Tee program for the kids. |
[Jul 28, 2001]
Richard Winston
Shoot in the 80s
This is a great municipal course with great management and a terrific staff. The layout is fairly easy, but many of the holes pose interesting challenges. They have recently put bermuda rye down which makes most lies pretty darn good in the fairway. Like most municipals, there is no real rough, and the sand traps are a hit/miss proposition depending upon the hole. Overall, this is one of the best munis in the state. Similar Products Used: None |