Saxon Golf Course - Golf courses, Sarver, PA
Saxon Golf Course - Golf courses, Sarver, PA
Latitude | 40.724834 |
Longitude | -79.789919 |
City | Sarver |
State | PA |
Zip/Postal Code | 16055-1205 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (412) 353-2130 |
[Oct 23, 2002]
joey sadrta
Shoots in the 90s
The course is locally known for having greens that compete with some of the best courses around. Now dont think this is Oakmont however, as there is basically no difference between the fairways and rough, making it easy, but also boring. Speaking of boring, if you are just coming here to play a quick nine, play the back nine. The front nine is extremely boring as the holes have no charactor at all. The back 9 is more fun and challenging. All in all, a nice course, with immaculate greens. Customer Service very friendly people |
[Jun 18, 2000]
Dan Reuter
Shoot in the 80s
This is one of the best public courses in Western PA for the average golfer. There are NO sand traps and most fairways are wide and spacious. The back nine is much tighter than the front nine, and make you do more thinking than the front nine's "grip it and rip" mentality. The greens fees are quite reasonable. Saxon has very few hills and the course is easily walked. There is also a driving range adjacent to the first tee. The course is not overly long and the greens could best be described as average. But, all in all, this is a fun course to play. Customer Service Great owners, who always make you feel welcome. Similar Products Used: There is a limited eating facility (19th hole), but a nice snack bar when you make the turn. The driving range is not elaborate, but it does provide you with the chance to warm up prior to tee time. |