Cobbs Creek Golf Courses - Golf courses, Philadelphia, PA
Cobbs Creek Golf Courses - Golf courses, Philadelphia, PA
Latitude | 0 |
Longitude | 0 |
City | Philadelphia |
State | PA |
Zip/Postal Code | 19151 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (215) 877-8707 |
[Sep 18, 2002]
Shoots in the 100s
It's a real shame. This place has SO MUCH potential! Mature trees and a really challenging layout in a beautiful setting. Too bad there isn't any grass! It's like playing in your neighbors yard. And- an added bonus is that you get to meet visiting dogs. We met 5 in the span of 12 holes, all being walked by people who live on the course. They really need to sink some real money into this course. The course- not the club house or the cart paths - the course! Customer Service People in the clubhouse and on the course were really, really nice. Had that private club sort of demeanor! |
[Jun 13, 2002]
Anthony B
Shoots in the 70s
Cobb's Creek is probably has one of the nicest routing plans in Philadelphia. However it is not maintained very well. Most people do not realize that this course was designed by Hugh Wilson (Merion East Course Architect) and share some similarites to Merion (not maintenence). Customer Service It's a municipal golf course - do not go looking for customer service. Similar Products Used: Driving range is not the best. |
[Apr 16, 2001]
Christopher Moldasanti
Shoot in the 80s
The Greens(seeded with crabgrass evidently) had funky stripes of dead turf and they played as smoothly as a KKK rally in Harlem. The rough(or the cornfields, as I refer to them) was so high, not only did I lose my ball, I lost my cart. Which had no brakes to begin with. Luckily the three black kids who tried stealing it didn't succeed. They might've hurt themselves. Similar Products Used: They have a couple items on the menu, but they don't have those couple of items in the refrigerator. NOthing like paying $4 for a coke and a shriveled, served by an obnoxious Golf Pro. |
[Mar 02, 2001]
Josh Bugos
Shoot in the 80s
Nothing to write home about. The course is in good shape early in the season, but after June 1st forget about it. The tees are often without grass and the greens are not much better. There are some tight holes, but there are just as many 265 yard par 4's. Customer Service Customer service depends on who is working that day. Some friendly and helpful. Similar Products Used: Snack bar is alright, the pro shop is limited in merchandise. |