Corey Creek Golf Club - Golf courses, Mansfield, PA
Corey Creek Golf Club - Golf courses, Mansfield, PA
Latitude | 0 |
Longitude | 0 |
City | Mansfield |
State | PA |
Zip/Postal Code | 16933 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (717) 662-3520 |
[Jun 03, 2006]
Shoots in the 80s
An average course that is worth playing due to the small fees. I might have played it at its worse being that it had rained for the two or three days prior to teeing off. A couple of the holes strike me a gimmick. One par-4 comes to mind. It was a 320 yard down hill tee shot, something that could be reached even by the average driver, with one exception. The opening into the greeen was literally 10 yards wide. Tree surrounded this green as if it was a guarding it from the attacking armies.
Customer Service Great overall |