Pine Meadows Golf Complex - Golf courses, Lebanon, PA
Pine Meadows Golf Complex - Golf courses, Lebanon, PA
Latitude | 0 |
Longitude | 0 |
City | Lebanon |
State | PA |
Zip/Postal Code | 17042 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (717) 865-4995 |
[Jun 06, 2005]
Shoots in the 80s
Nice course, great layout. Best holes are on the front (orginal 9), but the back can be tricky. Walking is NOT for the faint hearted. The blues are measured around 6200 or so. My wife and I teed off around 1:15, and we wrapped up around 5. No waiting at any of the holes. Great, pleasant customer service. Customer Service Solid Similar Products Used: The driving range is across the street, along with the miniture golf course. |
[Aug 02, 2001]
Bob Moyer
Shoot in the 90s
Excellent Condition, Friendly Staff, Bill the Ranger on Sat. was very accomodating Similar Products Used: None |