Krendale Public Golf Course - Golf courses, Butler, PA
Krendale Public Golf Course - Golf courses, Butler, PA
Latitude | 40.86791 |
Longitude | -79.93381 |
City | Butler |
State | PA |
Zip/Postal Code | 16001 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (724) 482-4065 |
[Mar 10, 2005]
Shoots in the 80s
With island greens, fairway traps and plenty of water, Krendale is an excellent public layout that is settling into shape after several seasons of major construction. It has the advantage of offering three separate nines. That, coupled with the fact that every hole is unique keeps regulars from getting bored. This isn't a course for players who scrape it along the ground and try to sink a putt. Each nine has atleast two greens tucked behind major water hazards. Not particularly long, there are, nonetheless, opportunities to hit everything in the bag. The course is challenging and enjoyable, and will only improve with time. Customer Service Fine Similar Products Used: Everything |
[Sep 08, 2002]
joey sadrta
Shoots in the 90s
in excellant shape with the lack of rain lately. greens are best around, and for 8 bucks you cant go wrong Customer Service great, clerk was very nice |