Drumright Golf Club - Golf courses, Drumright, OK
Drumright Golf Club - Golf courses, Drumright, OK
Latitude | 0 |
Longitude | 0 |
City | Drumright |
State | OK |
Zip/Postal Code | 74030 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (918) 352-9424 |
[Jun 19, 2002]
Shoots in the 90s
Very clean course. It is a small town course that has alot to offer. The fairways are plush as well as the greens. Customer Service Old man in the pro shop is a little rough at first. But if you are a repeat customer he becomes more tolerable. Similar Products Used: N/A |
[Nov 03, 2001]
Shoots in the 80s
I really enjoy playing the Drumright course. Most folks would think that a small town course would not amount to anything, however, courses like Drumright will prove them wrong. The course is well taken care of, and the greens are of a really nice size. The fairways are plentiful of grass providing good lays anytime that you are in the fairway. Some water on the course really gives a feeling of serenity and complication at the same time. I would recommend this course to a friend. Customer Service There is an older gentleman that mans the club house. He is a little on the rude and attentionless side. Dont let him get you down. Similar Products Used: None |