Revolution Park Golf Club - Golf courses, Charlotte, NC
Revolution Park Golf Club - Golf courses, Charlotte, NC
Latitude | 35.213228 |
Longitude | -80.879568 |
City | Charlotte |
State | NC |
Zip/Postal Code | 28208-7033 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (704) 342-1946 |
[Apr 11, 2003]
Ryan Johnson
Scratch Golfer
If you are interested in a money game, this might be the place for you. The course definitely has its characters. It is actually a little more challenging than people might think. Very short, but requires some local knowledge to play well. Greens are rough. A two-foot putt is not a gimme here. |
[Feb 05, 2003]
Shoots in the 80s
Excellent bargain for a quick 9 holes. Avoid busy times of day / week due to slow play and beginner golfers. Early morning and weekdays are best. Customer Service Very friendly. Similar Products Used: Small putting green. Some open areas that allow for practice. (bring your own balls) |
[Feb 20, 2002]
Shoots in the 90s
Old, tradional course built in 1933. This was the first course to integrate golf in Charlotte and is filled with a history of sharks and shysters. This is a 9-hole course that is ideal for cheap, spur-of-the-moment golfing. The long rumor that people have been mugged on the tee boxes is almost certainly hogwash. Customer Service No problems here. |
[Dec 27, 2000]
Shoot in the 80s
...A practice course, right off of I-77, only has 9 holes and too crowded for comfortable play. I never like having a twosome force-paired with a stranger... 3'rd player. Customer Service Nothing Special at all. Similar Products Used: They need to clean up the clubhouse and toilets. |