Sanbrook Golf Course - Golf courses, Isanti, MN
Sanbrook Golf Course - Golf courses, Isanti, MN
Latitude | 45.500537 |
Longitude | -93.321793 |
City | Isanti |
State | MN |
Zip/Postal Code | 55040 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (612) 444-9904 |
[Dec 21, 2004]
mr. divots
Shoots in the 70s
A "Mom & Pop" course. Totally flat fairways, made from corn fields. Greens are ridiculous, shaped like overturned cereal bowls- near impossible to hold. Many holes have trees overhanging the tee box which interfere unfairly with a well struck tee shot. Lots of small ponds that are undiscernable from the tee that come into play. Not one bunker on the entire course. Customer Service Definite small town feel. Kinda the "You ain't from around here, are ya?" kinda feel. Not very friendly unless you're a local. I loved the 16 year old local beer cart girl who rides up with smoke in mouth and grumbles "Want somethin'?" Similar Products Used: The practice field, er, range is just abou the best I've ever experienced. ;) |