The Georgetown Club - Golf courses, Georgetown, MA
The Georgetown Club - Golf courses, Georgetown, MA
Latitude | 42.718706 |
Longitude | -71.012213 |
City | Georgetown |
State | MA |
Zip/Postal Code | 01833-1304 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (978) 352-8777 |
[Aug 06, 2003]
Shoots in the 70s
I played this course with great anticipation but was sadly disappointed. If I were a member at this private club, I would be looking to see where my dues are being spent. The tees were like the first cut of rough and the greens were infested with a black fungus-like disease. The greens are very slow and shaggy -maybe to try and save them for next year. It's too late for this year. The course has no character for a better player; unless you play it from the tips and the pins are tucked. Otherwise, it's a drive and wedge for most holes. Since the holes are so close together, the yell of "fore" is heard on nearly every hole. Customer Service good service with the staff and very professional-run operation. too bad it's a bad track |