Samoset Resort Golf Club - Golf courses, Rockport, ME
Samoset Resort Golf Club - Golf courses, Rockport, ME
Latitude | 44.132 |
Longitude | -69.091047 |
City | Rockport |
State | ME |
Zip/Postal Code | 04856-3816 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (207) 594-2511 |
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[Sep 29, 2001]
Shoots in the 100s
This is without doubt the best public golf course in New England, and is probably in the top 5 for the country. Some of the most beautiful views of the Maine coast that you get. A good challenge but definately a coarse that can be played by anyone. On a scale of 1-10, I give it a 20! Similar Products Used: None |
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