Cape Arundel Golf Club - Golf courses, Kennebunkport, ME
Cape Arundel Golf Club - Golf courses, Kennebunkport, ME
Latitude | 43.373843 |
Longitude | -70.477328 |
City | Kennebunkport |
State | ME |
Zip/Postal Code | 04046 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (207) 967-3494 |
[Jul 06, 2010]
Shoots in the 80s
This is a great, old links-style golf course on the water. This is where you saw President Bush play on vacation. It holds up well as a fun vacation course--not long bet fun and tricky with small greens that break a ton. Best spot in Southern Maine that is not a fully private club, in my experience. Customer Service Very good and friendly staff. Similar Products Used: Myopia Hunt Club
[May 21, 2003]
Ted Riegel
Shoots in the 80s
President George Bush Srs. home course... Short but fun and always in good shape... Scottish style course with tall grass, rivers, and creeks all over the place... Make sure you get a Presidential ball in the pro shop... Customer Service Good Similar Products Used: Nice secret service people when George and Barbara are there... |