Cimarron Valley Golf Course - Golf courses, Satanta, KS
Cimarron Valley Golf Course - Golf courses, Satanta, KS
Latitude | 37.40846 |
Longitude | -101.02315 |
City | Satanta |
State | KS |
Zip/Postal Code | 67870 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (316) 649-2202 |
[Aug 29, 2001]
Shoots in the 80s
This course is not for the weak at heart. It will test you for all you''re worth on a calm day. Then the wind starts to blow. I love this course more than any other I''ve played. Roger Slaven is a genius. He takes care of this course by himself for the most part and the greens are the purest I''ve ever played. True roll year round. This course has to be seen and played to be believed. Don''t let the yardage fool you, this baby will sneak up on you in a hurry. Whatever you do, stay out of the rough! Similar Products Used: None |