Hoxie Golf Course, Inc. - Golf courses, Hoxie, KS
Hoxie Golf Course, Inc. - Golf courses, Hoxie, KS
Latitude | 39.332189 |
Longitude | -100.47583 |
City | Hoxie |
State | KS |
Zip/Postal Code | 67740 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (913) 675-3217 |
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[Jun 27, 2000]
Shoot in the 80s
Hoxie is a 9 hole course, and the first 6 play pretty level. The last 3 holes play tougher, as a longer drive is required,and a blind approach comes into play. They also have some water on the last hole. All fairways are buffalo grass, and the greens are somewhat small, but for the money, the course is fun. Similar Products Used: None |
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