Buckhorn Springs Golf & CC - Golf courses, Valrico, FL

Buckhorn Springs Golf & CC - Golf courses, Valrico, FL



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[Feb 15, 2012]
Joel Panabaker
Shoots in the 90s

Played 11 Feb 2012, temp around 65, wind speed around 20kts, gusting to 35kts.
This course meanders through a neighbor hood, making shot selection very important. The fairways were all in good shape, tee boxes level and there is plenty of hazards to keep you on your toes. There is enough topographical changes that several shots are blind over the rise and a few minor dangers lurk around corners; should have got a yardage book having never played the course before - would have helped to know what was where.
The greens have a definitive grain to them and had the greatest variance between down hill/down grain vs up hill/against the grain I've ever seen; rolling near 11's with, 8's against. The layout of the course is well thought out, with two exception: #8 and #14 both run beside fairways of preceeding holes. The issue is on #8 & #14 it is out of bounds landing in the 'other' fairways. There is a note on the score card but nothing on the course - a little sign warning you would be a welcome addition to the tee box (can you tell who missed his fairway?). This course is a challenge in normal conditions, in a stiff wind it was really tough.
Driving range and practice pitching green with green side bunker good to warm up on, although the driving range is used a lot and the grass, or lack thereof, shows it. Practice green in good shape and representative of the course greens.
The front nine crosses two roads, the back crosses none. I think the front was tougher but the back seemed to have more hidden dangers. Carts had no GPS but were in fine operational order - the electric carts handled the topography very well.
Though the Buck is in a neighborhood the houses don't seem to diminish the course at all, nor distract from it.

Customer Service

All the people there were good folk (sadly the cart girl was freezing her butt off and only held on for two trips around the course; that was a function of the wind as well as the temp). Pro shop guys, cart guys and club house waitress' were all top notch.
Everyone at the course seemed intent on making the day a memorible one, and they all succeded. Costs for refreshments were not out of range with other courses and better than many.

Similar Products Used:

Rocky Point and Rogers Park, although the Bucks greens were infinitely better. Not as long as Diamond Hills, nor as forgiving (darn neighborhoods) and less elevation changes, but again the Buck was in better shape all around. Closest cousin I can come up with would be Crescent Oaks.

I played in an amateur tournament so my fees were higher than normal. I would think this course should be in the $35-$40 range; more than that it becomes a tough sell, less than that a good deal.

I will be returning later in the season to the Buck - really want to give it a try without a howling wind. Even if I didn't owe it, I'd come back to play. Sadly it's an hour away on the wrong side of Tampa so my opportunities are limited.

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