Eagle Springs Golf Club - Golf courses, Wolcott, CO
Eagle Springs Golf Club - Golf courses, Wolcott, CO
Latitude | 0 |
Longitude | 0 |
City | Wolcott |
State | CO |
Zip/Postal Code | 81655 |
Country | United States |
Phone | (970) 926-4400 |
[Sep 06, 2001]
Jason Meggitt
Shoots in the 80s
Eagle Springs is a wonderful mountain course. Its a must to keep your ball on the fairway, its near impossible to hit out of the natural surroundings. Similar Products Used: None |
[Aug 06, 2001]
Alex Kaufman
Shoot in the 80s
If you are looking for a review of this course because you plan on playing it, think again! Customer Service Tee Times??? HA..they don't have tee times..They arrive when they feel and badger the starter when they all want to play at the same time. Similar Products Used: The teaching pro was Mike Steiner, he seemed to be very apt at kissing A**, which is the most important quality. |